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Due to our roll growth situation, we have no places available for out of zone ballots for 2024. 

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Starting school is an exciting event for children. They have heard about it from parents, brothers, sisters or friends…and now they are eager to begin.

At Mangawhai Beach School we aim to make the transition from home to school a seamless one. We hope that you will share the excitement of starting school by getting actively involved, visiting the classroom and generally showing an interest in what's happening at school.

Mangawhai Beach School welcomes new entrants at school for pre-school visits. The process starts gradually, six weeks before the child's fifth birthday.

New Entrant Enrolment Process:
We have one New Entrant intake per term - first day of the new term.  

This is a cohort entry.  Your child must be five years old on enrolment. 

If your child has attended another school the transition to Mangawhai Beach School is as follows:

  • Make an appointment with the Principal to visit the school by emailing 

  • Your child will be introduced to their teacher and will be given a tour of the school.

New Entrants will attend transition visits with the pre-school they attend.   There will be three visits with their new class, date and times will be shared with the pre-school and they will advise parents.



There are permission forms that also need to be completed and these are available from the school office when you come in for your interviews with the Principal.

Whanau Support New Entrant Foundation Skills:  Often there is an expectation that children are “ready” to read and to write at the age of 5 however, thanks to research on how the brain develops, we now have a better understanding of how complex reading and writing are for a young child.

There are a large number of skills needed before they are truly ready to read and to write, indeed to access our wonderful New Zealand Curriculum. For further information see here

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